Offering back-office support for medical transcriptions to orthopedic specialty practices using OmniMD™ 

If you are a spine & orthopedic specialty clinic maintaining paperless records of patients using the OmniMD™ suite of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management (PMS), we can offer you back-office support for medical transcriptions. 

Our company establishes a secure HIPAA compliant Virtual Private Network (VPN) that enables our medical transcribers to log into any specialty OmniMD Suite. This allows us access to the patients chart for documenting the narrations of physicians. 

Our satisfied list of clients includes an Orthopedic Center, Santa Barbara, California. OmniMD™ Orthopedics EMR is in use by the Centre to store digital medical records of the patients, but they did not have in-house transcribers, since qualified medical transcribers were hard to find in that part of the state. The few transcribers that the clinic had were past their retirement age and were finding it difficult to adjust to the digital environs of the center.  

Medical Transcriptions Service through a conference established with the administrator of the Orthopedic Center reviewed the documentation processes followed by the clinic, the turn-around-time the clinic was anticipating and the volume of dictations that needed to be documented.

Client Testimonial
iSource made our work pretty easy. Medical notes are available for our doctors' review/e-signature by the morning. This helps us to re-schedule our patients visit the next day of physicians dication.

After a thorough evaluation, we offered the center a solution that required setting-up a secure web-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) with OmniMD™ Orthopedics EMR, the application used by the center.

The Orthopedic Center have provided us with a secure login access, which will enable our medical transcribers to access the dictations that are narrated by the physicians into the EMR. After documenting them into reports, these are sent to the physicians who could review and retrieve them as and when needed. The turn-around-time is 12 hours. 

The administrator of the center after carefully examining the proposal and ensuring that we complied with all HIPAA regulations, and being satisfied with our ability to deliver, sent us a Business Associate Agreement. This was then followed with a brief discussion with the IT manager of the center, assisting us in the process of setting up the login access for the MT’s and QA of our

If you want to know more about orhtopedic transcription cost click here


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