A no-fuss 24 hours x 7 days a week medical dictation transcription service

We document physician dictations 24 hours x 7 days a week; Medical Transcription Service the iSource flagship company renders dictation transcription service to renowned clinics in the United States. The health care providers using digital voice recorders can use the file transfer feature on our website to upload medical dictations.

ISource provides clinics access to its customized document management software, the multiple features available in the software enable doctors to use the digital dictation transcription service using a personal computer with a microphone and internet access, doctors can read the dictations into the system. The transcribers of our company access the dictations and in quick time document them.

The doctors can review the documented reports, and fax the reports to the patient or referring doctors, the built in features also allow doctors to e-sign the reports and archive them for future reference.  If doctors use a digital voice recorder for dictations, the file transfer facilities available on our website ensures a safe and secure data transfer, the dictations sent to us through this facility is made available to the transcribers and after documenting them the reports are either sent to the physician as email attachments,

For further information on our medical transcritpion services, call our toll free number 1-877-272-1572.

Service Highlights:

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